Important Dates

Tuesday June 25th Sponsoring timeline published
Tuesday June 25th Sponsoring packages announced
Wednesday July 03rd Ticket shop opens
Friday July 05th Start of CFP
Tuesday July 09th Sponsoring presale starts, patron members have exclusive access
Tuesday July 16th Sponsoring end of patron members exclusive access
Tuesday July 23th Sponsoring packages are generally available
Saturday July 27th Event Orga Offsite
Thursday August 31st End of early bird ticket sale
Saturday August 31st End of CFP
  TBD Publishing of Agenda
  TBD Workshop registration opens
Wednesday October 23th End of ticket sale with guaranteed t-shirt and social
Saturday October 26th Last day to pay with bank transfer
Sunday November 03th Last day to pay with SEPA debit
Sunday November 08th Last day to modify you order (name, ASN, IRC name, etc.)
Sunday November 17th Workshops; Pre-Social
Monday November 18th Conference; Social
Tuesday November 19st Conference



Diamond Sponsor

Social Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Lunch Sponsors

Coffee Sponsor

Lanyard Sponsor

Support Sponsors

Connectivity Sponsors